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The landscape of caregiving for older adults with dementia is rapidly evolving into a pressing U.S. and global concern.
Every 3 seconds, someone in the world develops dementia.
In the United States alone, more than 7 million adults over 65 live with dementia, a figure set to escalate in the coming decades. Projections suggest that by 2030, over 9 million Americans could be grappling with the condition, and this number could climb to nearly 12 million by 2040.
One in three caregivers assists someone with dementia, with four out of five older adults with dementia living outside nursing homes, mainly supported by family caregivers.
The numbers make stark reading.

As dementia cases rise, the healthcare industry is increasingly turning to home care, valuing its intimate environment for dementia patients and its cost-effectiveness. However, this shift places a heavy burden on family caregivers, a role often underestimated and undervalued. Family caregivers are consistently handed a demanding and complex task. Providing care for a loved one with dementia requires immense time, emotional commitment, and financial resources. This can lead to burnout, financial hardship, and strained relationships. In extreme cases, the caregiver's home may even feel like a prison, ensnaring both caregiver and patient in a distressing cycle of dependency and despair.

MyLO is on a mission to help family caregivers provide dignified and inspired care to their loved ones.
At MyLo, we are driven by the belief that the journey from good to great is fueled by imagination—a resource we possess in abundance. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by family caregivers, we are committed to reimagining solutions and transforming caregiving experiences. Our mission is to innovate with empathy and insight, turning everyday obstacles into opportunities for growth and connection. We strive to empower families with inspired solutions, making each caregiving journey not just manageable, but meaningful.
We believe in imagination.

At MyLo, our boundless imagination sets us apart, transforming good into great. We approach traditional challenges with fresh perspectives, introducing inspired solutions to the family caregiving space.

We believe in you.

At MyLo, we stand with family caregivers, believing in your strength and dedication. Your unwavering commitment inspires us to innovate and support you every step of the way.

We believe in better.

At MyLo, we are committed to creating a brighter future for home caregiving. We believe that with the right support and innovations, caring for our loved ones at home can be a fulfilling and compassionate experience.

We need radical new ideas in the family caregiving space not tomorrow but today.
Elvina Hewitt RN, MBA
Elvina draws from over a decade of experience as an ER nurse and administrator, along with a background in product management and entrepreneurship. Her firsthand encounters with family caregiving challenges and her work in elderly care services and genetic testing have fueled her passion for developing compassionate solutions. With a focus on thoughtful and dignified care, Elvina is committed to empowering caregivers and enhancing the well-being of older adults through innovative approaches.
Thom Huxtable
Thom is a seasoned design director with 18 years of experience in creating innovative, human-centered health experiences. Before founding MyLo, he was the design director at CareScout, a marketplace for elderly care services. Thom also spent a decade at IDEO as a Design Director, working within the health portfolio guiding and delivering work for a diverse range of clients.